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The fastest delivery for a BoxFreezer

AAT BoxFreezers delivered in record time.

Time is one of the most important commodities for our customers and an essential element of success in our projects. In this context, AAT has achieved new heights in the field of freezing. Through the systematic and structured approach of the project team, as well as the collaboration with BT-Anlagenbau as a reliable partner, delivery of the entire BoxFreezer installation could be made within four months from award of contract.
Despite the current political situation and the challenges it poses in customs clearance, it was possible to deliver more than 20 truck loads in a week through a masterful performance in logistics.
Even the assembly and installation, by freezing temperatures in Ukraine, did not prove to be an insurmountable hurdle for the employees and the schedule for AAT.
The BoxFreezer should be handed over to the customer as early as February 2016, for full operation.

Below we present some key points of this project, to better illustrate the extent of the performance and project.


  • Capacity for holding some 13,300 cartons of poultry meat each of 15 kg
  • This corresponds to freezing around 200,000 kg of meat, over a period of 13 hours in the BoxFreezer from +8°C to
  • -18°C with a freezer temperature of -38°C.
  • The storage and retrieval capacity is 15,000 kg/h.

Despite this short time frame, ongoing development of the BoxFreezer did not fall short of the challenge. For example with the belt path, which is a central component of the BoxFreezer, an innovative V-belt system has been implemented.
The responsible project manager explains how this became possible: „Building on the decades of existing expertise at AAT in the construction of BoxFreezers and the improved organisational structure since integration into the BT-Group, together we have been able to improve individual processes. The effective and efficient work of the project team, the support of management and the very good interdepartmental cooperation have contributed their part to realising this project.“


News - The fastest delivery for a BoxFreezer