The inaugural presentation of the "Small BoxFreezer" took place at IFFA, the leading international trade fair for the meat industry.
For the first time at this year's IFFA, which took place between 4 and 9 May in Frankfurt, AAT-FREEZING took on a new product launch. Designated the Small BoxFreezer, the prototype of the new product was on public display. Despite prior evaluation of the potential target group(s), added to a long project planning phase based on internal and external expert discussions, it was impossible to be 100% certain of the response and feedback at the exhibition. In the final analysis, however, all the effort has paid off, as the feedback at the exhibition was all positive.
Visitors from around the world came and admired the 120m² exhibition stand, including the Small BoxFreezer, with great interest. There was opportunity for much discussion and important contacts were made. Following some of the specific leads generated at the show, the Small BoxFreezer can already be offered competitively alongside existing projects. The very rapid and particularly positive effect could not have been anticipated in advance.
But now with the tailwind of the exhibition behind us, the product can be smoothly launched in the most important countries.
Both the employees of AAT, who worked on the project in advance, as well as the entire exhibition team did an excellent job. This success could only be achieved through the great commitment of all involved.